Meet Carmyn

Born and raised in the unique melting pot of Los Angeles, Carmyn has always been drawn irresistibly towards the arts. Luckily, she swiftly found her place as a dancer, training in Ballet (en pointe), Modern, Contemporary, and varied Folk styles of dance from an early age. Soon, she auditioned for and attended Los Angeles County High School for the Arts. While studying dance, she discovered her parallel love of acting, and by her senior year she had joined both the Musical Theatre and TV/Film programs.

Upon graduating, Carmyn passionately pursued this new love. She immediately joined Beverly Hills Playhouse legend, Jocelyn Jones’ private studio, where she would study cold readings and scene work for the next two years while performing in a number of productions (including Urinetown, Alice in Wonderland, and the dark off-Broadway comedy "Cractor").

Making her TV debut in “Us Against Our Will" (a PSA against human trafficking for MTV), she also began booking commercials, and would go on to perform in campaigns for such varied brands such as Secret, Intel, HP Data Pass, and Vanity Fair.

After landing a short film role opposite Pitch Perfect’s Cameron Deane Stewart, Carmyn was drawn toward further work in short films and web series. Eventually she would land a recurring role with Buzzfeed, performing in 23 of their videos, including: “Signs You're Turning into Mom" (opposite Stephanie Weir), What Strangers Think”, and “If Women Were Honest on Dates") and garnering solid viral acclaim. She also starred in videos for Mitú and Funny or Die, including "Bachelorette: Street Food Edition" and "Guess Whom" (opposite Lucy DeVito).

After a break from the industry to re-connect with her spiritual and empathic roots (during which she has worked as a Certified Reiki Practitioner, Certified Yoga Instructor, Tarot Advisor, and Energy Healer), Carmyn has returned to the industry with a bang, recently booking a national commercial campaign for Clorox. While she has been primarily focused on personal and passion-based projects, she will continue to apply her own unique energy and relentless positivity to any opportunity that presents itself, commercial or otherwise. In the meanwhile, you can find her on social media, where she promotes healing, tarot readings, yoga, and (of course), positivity.